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Project Underground - Centrum Leisure Singapore

Project Underground


Every kid loves a hidden hideout.


So when Mr Larry (not his real name) needed help to supply games for his basement leisure room designed for his kids, we were excited to help make his imagination (we call it Project Underground) a reality. 


Tucked away in the underground level of the home in hilly Bukit Timah, the games room has a dim and wooden interior that's cosy and (literally) on another level!


From a range of table designs offered by Centrumleisure, Mr Larry chose a Brunswick Gold Crown VI pool table and the Toulet Soccer Table with darkwood finish, designs that emphasise natural beauty and thus complement the greyish brown walls and dark floor. To top off the classy look, bright red bases were also chosen to contrast with the interior.



In an age where digital games reign, we couldn’t help but imagine the kids and their friends enjoying real-life fun potting shots and scoring goals!

But it’s not all childs-play. Catering to Mr Larry’s own friends, the standing Tron Darts machine perfectly pairs the drinks bar for a game of darts in between sips of whiskey! In fact, the room also has an exquisite-looking wine cellar built in, and a home theatre system for Karaoke nights. 


It’s also worth mentioning the innovative concept of a viewing window of the swimming pool - this means that kids can have a splash while the adults can have their own fun without worry! 


Indeed, when you’ve got a home playcation like this, it’s as good as a vacation or staycation! 

Check our wide range of gaming products, and create your own playroom today! 

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